Another BMW boxer enters the adventure ring

Sales of BMW Motorrad’s adventure touring bikes over the past five, ten, 20-plus years even, borders on astronomical despite similar models from the likes of Triumph and, more recently, Ducati, Harley-Davidson and others vying to steal the Bavarian brand’s thunder. The two BMW adventure bikes that have served countless modern day riders so very, very well in recent years are the legendary (2004+) R 1200 GS and the uprated (2019+) R 1250 GS.

But even such an established model needs updating to maintain its standing, that being the best-selling large capacity adventure bike ever. So, when the world first saw the all-new R 1300 GS… well, its reception was nothing short of global praise – fist-pumps and “yehaar” sounds in America, polite hand clapping in the UK and much lederhosen-clad thigh slapping from the German market. Clearly, BMW with its R 1300 GS was onto yet another winner.

Facts underline the response to the new GS. Here in the UK, the R 1300 GS topped the Adventure Touring sales segment in February (month of its UK release) and March, going as far as topping Scooter sales, which, when you think how popular this segment is how many models are available, is pretty impressive.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating, as someone once said years before motorcycles were even dreamt of. Basically, it means don’t judge something until you’ve tried it. So, we haven’t... We can now, though, because we have added a BMW R 1300 GS to the Evotech Performance motorcycle fleet.

The Evotech R 1300 GS is here to partly serve as a rolling display for Evotech products and be a guinea pig for new products. The rest of its time will be spent as a tool to get Evotech Performance staff from A-to-B in comfort and style. Like every GS owner.

As it is, the GS is now basking in the cold but bright sunlight of English Springtime complete with every Evotech accessory available and some new ones to be coming online very soon.

Check out the parts fitted to our R 1300 GS here.

By Evotech Retail on 11 April 2024